It is good to see AMERICA has spoken and a believer of LUCK will be making his home at the White House. Americans have in the past fought to elect a president and have supported the elected president. With TRUMP being a successful business person, he should be able to get AMERICA working and be GREAT again.
[product_category category=”lucky-coins” per_page=”41″ order=”SKU”]
For a limited time we will double the orders to the USA for the our Lucky Coins in BRASS or Nickel-Silver V1, V2 or V3 (gold plated coins and key chains excluded) for the first 500 orders mailed to a USA address before December 5, 2016: Limit 3 FREE coins per address. For the many Americans who said they are moving to CANADA if TRUMP WINS – consider purchasing some of our 101 postcards of beautiful White Rock Beach, British Columbia CANADA – C L I C K H E R E.
A Lucky Black Squirrel (Lottery Charm®) pin was used to hold the winning grand prize ticket for the lottery (previously known as Dream Of A Lifetime Lottery) on a corkboard in the office of® creator Ric Wallace.
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